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After studying in Hamburg, working worldwide for over 10 years as a production manager and producer in the commercial industry Berlin, I decided to make a little change.


A couple of years ago I combined my passion for traveling, nature and hunting and combined it with my profession and enthusiasm for filming.

I moved to the country side, arranged my first camera gear, travelled to africa and shot my first film. 


Working on commercials and Imagefilms for travel and adventure companies as well as local industry got me directly. I had the chance to follow up my dream and realized several films for clients from loads of different businesses like travel agencies and adventure facilities. 

Although my passion is nature and hunting I shot some very nice commercial films for hotels, restaurants, medical facilities, schools  and construction companies.


I also companied private people on their travels - that became very good friends while filming.

This is the best trophy or memory that you can have from your trip.


These projects brought me to North America, Canada, Kamtschatka, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and to several places in Europe.

Besides the travels I also love to shoot locally and support regional companies.


Nowadays I almost do my own work in full time.

Just give me a shout and we can talk together how we can make your project happen.


Stay Wild!


Johannes - Zuma

Jagdreisen Hunting
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